Ohio - Foreign Nonprofit Corporation Application for License

This is a form for applying to register a Nonprofit Corporation formed in a state other then Ohio to be able to do business in the state of Ohio. The regular cost is $125 with options to expedite service (2 business days for $100, 1 business day for $200, 4 hour processing for $300) and for Preclearance filing ($50).


Filing Fee: $125 - $425

Address for Business Creation or Registration

Use this address in combination with the Non-expedite Filings addresses if NOT expediting the filing to submit filings for forming or registering Corporations, Partnerships or Companies in the state of Ohio. If expediting then use the regular Expedite Fil

PO Box 670,
Columbus, OH 43216

This Ohio form is provided for convenience only, with no warranty of currency or fitness. If this form is broken or outdated, please let us know.

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